Saturday, October 28, 2006

Benefits Of Drinking Protein Shakes For Hair Assault 5: ElMenda in Elmont or the art of eating spider ...

"Laws are like spider webs through which the big flies pass freely and become entangled small" - Balzac

Once upon a time there was a young Kid newly shorn (of ears up) who decided one day to climb the mountain (and down the mountain without him.) Accompanied by a canine beast, eligeron the more accessible side, dressed in a branch of oak bar, an apple for times of famine and house keys (just in case), began the hard journey.

While making its way along a narrow road with brutal slope, began to appear wild inhabitants of those places steep: a squirrel jumpsndo from branch to branch, a lizard in the sun, chirping sparrows, a bunch of whores flies ... and spiders. Surprised by so many spiders and, since canine beast was in his world, decided to take beautiful snapshots to remember the camera from your mobile phone.

1 Spider - Spider 2 - Spiderman 3 - 4 Spider - Spider 5

Tired of pressing the button on his mobile, peeling Menda finished up the mountain and, after taking air, decided to descend on the other side, through a lush forest, find the cousins of the Flies (the fucking mosquitoes), sort of ferns surrounded paved roads to finally reach the edge of a river que due to the rains of recent days, was really flowing. The beast was in his world ... How happy should be one when you only have to worry about not shitting on the carpet where you sleep! - Thought to herself the Kid.

As the sun began to hide among the cutremontañas surrounding the spot where hayaban, started the opposite way. At one point, the fledgling Menda looked back to see if your faithful companion of fatigue following his steps. After ascertaining that it was, turned his head and ate a spider web. Yuck!. As his hands were moving at high speed to get rid of those sticky threads, the beast had sped. A rabbit?. A grip, perhaps?. Who knows, but the Kid quickened his pace so as not to perder the animal and keep only because it is known that when the sun do not distinguish certain insects and shoot everything that moves.

A great strides and helping the industry as a staff to overcome obstacles presented to him, the Kid in the distance saw the beast and relaxed, because the descent would be in good company. Knowing that the distance that remained was favorable, the Kid was lost in thoughts absurd (what would the Romanian girl who had brushed the barber in the summer of 2004, which was photographed without clothes and had taught in various positions ?) and speculations about what he would do to take her home. And he ate another web. The slope was significant (but this time downhill) andas he pulled the second tangle of wires in the mouth, reminded that this area was where he made the photographs during the ascent. And the owner of that spider web rose from the middle of the shirt to his head ...

After a few moments of panic, not knowing where he was going that intrepid climber of 8 feet, blow dry upside down, threw the invaders away from the body of Menda. There you fuck! - Cried victoriously. Quickened his pace when, suddenly, and debidio to a branch, almost losing the verticality. But thanks to their hard-trained reflexes God knows where, did not bite the dust (or whatever you have under your feet). Stood firm and prepared to move on with more caution, which was nearhome and had to get over. And he ate the third web. While swearing in Hebrew and moved his hands to get rid of that crap, he noticed something on his arm. What is going to be the spider? "He said. Without moving his head, lowered his gaze to the left, saw the nasty bug, put his arm y. .. Who raised you spit!. The Kid 2, Spider 0. Tired

the hard tranvesía, the Kid and his fearless beast jumped on the couch, stretch out your legs / feet and happy, they thought they had beaten the dangers lurking in the unknown.

- Yes, but you have filled the fucking face - said consciousness.

Reading: nothing at all
Last movie seen: I'm busy watching CSI
Rabbits seen from 06.10.2006: 15 (nothing new, smooth ride)


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