Wednesday, October 18, 2006

How Much Is A Purple Pearl Worth Assault 4: Days of the storm, "Eve of brilliance?

"The art of relaxation is a part of the art work" - John Ernst Steinbeck

These last days have been marked by constant wetting. It's an amazing thing, I have the gift to attract rain. It is probably something that is only achieved with great effort and after many years at shitting all over the Catholic calendar ... then what happens happens. So if anyone knows any place that is in need of rain, you know who to contact (book your time.)

And I ran relaxation. Yesterday, Tuesday, I started preparing for examinations for Group C of the Xunta (and as the agenda coincidesthen we go to the D). About 30 people in class, 5 men and the rest, guess. And it's funny, because I always thought that the average age would be between 18-25. It turns out that just by eye am the youngest and the thing goes more for the 35. The first day is always boring ... what more we have repeated in previous meetings and on this first day is, that addresses the receipts! Must be something really important to pass, but one can not be explained so eagerly. When I went to register did not tell me "you have to bring so and so" or "covers these papers." No, the first was "Did you bring the account number?". I have, fortunately, I hope this assures me a place. Another recommendation was that when we finish studying a topic, I sing the neighbor tofuels).

Seta 1, 2 Seta, Seta 3 , 4 Seta, Seta 5

Reading: I'm ashamed to say
Last movie seen:
'll have to watch them again the notebook, the room is never free Rabbits seen from 06.10.2006: 15
(3 +1 +1 +2, and that now I bit the mountain)


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