Friday, January 28, 2011

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Satania.Niccals Was the first to send the News That Are Gorillaz up for 3 awards at this year's NME Awards. Stylo

is up for best track, Against Cee Lo Green - "Fuck You" "Foals -" English Sahara "-Janelle Monae (feat. Big Boi) -" Tightrope "-Mark Ronson & the Business Intl -" Bang Bang Bang "Stylo

también up for best video, up against-Arcade Fire -" We Used to Wait "-Brandon Flowers -" Crossfire "-Chase & Status -" Let You Go "-My Chemical Romance -" Na Na Na "

Plastic Beach is up for Best Album Artwork, up against-Foals - "Total Life Forever," Klaxons - "Surfing the Void," MGMT - "Congratulations"-My Chemical Romance - "Danger Days" Puede

check out all the categories, and vote, CHTM

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Yukimi Nagano Has Given an new interview Which includes a bit on how Little Dragon got Involved with Gorillaz. Once again, It Seems Damon's partner Had a hand as with Many of Gorillaz 'musical influences.

Check it out on here.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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● Maaaaaaaaan am I feeling weird recently. I really am working hard to do well on my exams for this session, and since they're going to be three in a week or so I'm not feeling well. I can't handle pressure right. I feel I'm gonna crack up soon -- better, I know I would just break if I didn't knew it'll all be over by the eight of February. Is this normal? Geez. I'm losing my mind cos I've got such a little time to get well prepared, but at the same time the thought it'll all end soon is what keeps me sane. I am so weird.

● I recently saw Black Swan and Let Me In , even if with \aracters are so well written and complex and kind of unusual. I'm really loving it. ● Awww, I missed writing long entries here. *hugs her LJ*

Pregnant 13 Weeks Sinus Infection Compilation (Fanart)

Title: European

Author: [info] nath2704

Characters: Dean Winchester , Castiel

Warnings: None

A / N: A small collection of drawings of Supernatural I've done.

around here

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Buy Opalescence In Singapore [Italian Post] Nemesis.

picaresque saga che ogni if rispetti [...] star non può il and overt semper Farla, premium or poi, deve sua confrontarsi with Nemesio. Quella di Mourinho da uomo sembianze him quiet and perbene detto di Rafa Rafael Benitez, Liverpool manager il, Chelsea avversario fratricidal di quella nella semifinal Champions League 2004-05. Quasi un José allo specchio, Rafa è giovane, Iberian (e, dunque, anche straniero) ambizioso, difensivista, manic dei dettagli, prophetic della tattica, all'Isef laureate, ex professore di educazione alla physics, calciatore modest cousin in anno Inghilterra, e cinque lingue parla. Quella che è quindi a Attende José Nemesi terribile, Incarna the Maggior paura perché di qualsiasi individualist: a scoprire che c'è altro comeyou, that not only looks like you but that may well prove to be better. The myth of the Special One torn to shreds. [...] This is why the shock of having to deal with the opposition and be subject to Rafa Benitez, one which unites a dangerous excess of similarities or similarities. [...] Have in common a certain opinion is a normal experience, find someone who has the same preferences, whatever their subject matter, is much rarer. For someone like Mourinho a report of this type begins to be oppressive. If the similarity is accentuated and you get to a situation where not just two like the smell of wet grass, the same sonnet, in particular, the ninth verse, not only the yellow of that picture or the cut of that coat, or lost those four notesin a ascoltata canzone da ragazzi, ma in cui, addirittura, when a ride anche l'altro ride, when you sweat, sweat l'altro, when one testa fa male, anche l'altro if regrets, when a soffre l 'altro present the ferito, the Partecipazione e l'allegria CEDONOSA il passo della coincidenza terror and panic. Forse sheer physical replica, per quanto sia sconcertante, è questo ritratto, preference to rade the interiors che la nostra Suolo individualità. E 'Quello che deve aver Pensato Jose, all'uscire sconfitto dalla doppia sfida con il rivals. Sconfitto with you sue armi stesso. Sconfitto riflesso dal suo. Essere di Dorian Gray was thinking, was only ne ed Invece il ritratto. Mourinho
Immaginario , Federico Mastrolilli

Mmmh. Cose che ho s

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Can Shower Screens Be Steam Cleaned Some of Gorillaz 'Roskilde show, pro shot, upload official, available to view online now

Mark writes: -

"The Gorillaz concert is up now. And it is pretty high quality. It is awesome Some recordings. The track Were Shown: Orchestral Intro, Last Living Souls, Stylo (with Womack and Bootie Brown) , On Melancholy Hill, Rhinestone Eyes, Dirty Harry (with Bootie) and White Flag (with orchestra and Kano and Bashy). "

Check it out on here.

Indigo Snakes For Sale The Shining (Post Master)

This fic is finally finished and the intent of this post is to recommend the story regardless of whether it is the English version in English, but as everyone knows there is nothing like what original.

Title: Shine [The Shining]

Author: [info] zatnikatel

Translated by:
[info] as is confirmed only in FF XD (I like advertising cheap, but really is extremely good). Links to the Post Master:

Shine (Original version in English)

Shine (The Glow: Traducció n in English)

Monday, January 17, 2011

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Title: "Unpaid". Author or
Author: Winchester_Mcdowell
Category: Crossover Supernatural / Dark Angel.
Rating: All groups


How To Get Mud Out Of Suede Boots [Italian Post] \\ o \\

Lungi da me volonté intasarvi di di f-list spam, ma, O, che ne thought worthwhile contest che hanno il perché indetto [info] harriet_yuuko and [info] shu_maat my stop molto carino, ed è che non abbi Duecento sad milioni di partecipanti; _; Srsly.
In pratica, di trattasi contest to Topic (il topic è molto semplice e molto carino anche, secondo me: saperlo il primo è l'espressione che data has come Traccia) assoluta libero quanto a fandom, rating and argomentazioni. L'è data dalla limitazione only Lunghezza (massimo venti pagine, per guarantee you an lettura veloce delle storie partecipanti) e le organpromettono izzatrici completi commenti e ben fatti. The particolarità the contest è data dal fatto che in coppia iscriversi bisogno, ed segnalandosi eat authorities indicating stessi anche assieme to be a beta-reader * w * Da cui il contest theme, seen che i beta, in genere, sono i primi of sapere "Quando abbiamo qualcosa intenzione di Scrivere or comunque sono i primi che è Quando leggono early.
Cosa vuole dire questo, che il giudizio e betaggio riceverà a sewing diranno organizzatrici you type "tu non sai Betar, datti all'ippica" or "tu sei eccezionale beta, abbandona Pirla questa e che Scrive spostati storiacce sul piano professionale? Assoluta no! Betaggio non sarà il giudicato, exclusively giudicata sarà la storia nel suo complesso, ma alle is due organizzatricimbrava right (and I am with them) to celebrate the figure of the beta-reader in a fic! company that now has reached the point where prohibit the use in certain contexts (I've seen it happen, believe me, it's true), for reasons ridiculous and puerile.
So, you interested? The deadline is set at March 20, but there is no possibility of extensions, and I believe that everything is very doable. Everyone can participate as an author once, and more than twice as beta, of course, for two different people. In this regard, I have participated as an author and as a beta for [info] el_defe , but if any of you need a beta to participate are extremely available
* _ * All info here .

Pasta Express By Ctc Manual [Italian Post] Voi che capite ...

lavorare e di vivere nello Stivale. My Aiuto Quando anche Ana rimase incinta. Quando nacque Stefi, Chiesi di fare gli da mio figlio e godfather lui Accetta with piacere. What stesso per Filip and Aleksandar. Io l'ho fatto per dei suoi figli a, Dušan. Quindi ora siamo legati anche da questo. Abbiamo giocato insieme in Nazionale, poi nella Lazio, dove abbiamo tutte le Vittorio E vissuto sconfitte him, poi all'Inter with Mancini. Alla fine è stato anche il mio allenatore. E 'a person with a carattere forte, di meticolosità large, a perfezionista, a type incredibile, uomo particolare, allo stesso tempo Delicato and sensitivity, and lottatore, semper. Guarda avanti e non fears nulla. Altri the deragliare potuto avrebbero suo posto. Lui no. Anche oggi, Tardi dodici anni più, siamo in accountingtto. Once I told him: "I hope one day you will be my coach, so I can pay you back in the field of everything you've done for me." I very strongly
, Dejan Stanković and Mirko Vrbica
... I do I can do. * * Heart eyes

and will also bring back the moment you shipp unworthily with Bobo Vieri, here. However, this biography is love.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Merilyn Sakova Breakfast [Italian Post] SerbsTP (dalla penna di a delle parti in causa).

In those times were changing under the curve south. Since then nothing has changed. Even today, from the same place, the boys of the Red Star are looking to the future. After training, went down to the curve east and went to take bus 18, to Autokomanda. How many times I've been there. I stopped to watch the first team practice. How wonderful. For us it was like watching a game. On the field there were Savićević, Mihajlovic, Jugović. I never imagined that one day, I not only played with them, but would also become part of their life private club and, as with Miha for example. What we both won, but his European Cup, we won together! Ten years in the same team in the National training camp. Here

Friday, January 14, 2011

Restless Leg Syndrome Blog Post Gorillaz nominated for 'Best British Group' at the Brit Awards

Nath Was the first to write in: -

"Gorillaz Are Nominated for the" British Group "award at the Brits. They're Up Against Biffy Clyro, Mumford & Sons, Take That and The XX" source:

The Brit Awards 2011 will take place at the O2 Arena in London on 15th February.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hack For Mount And Blade [Italian Post] Emoti(c)ons.

in modo pressochè Immediate. Ottavo giorno: Tre
sew in grade in modo di eccitarti pressochè Immediate. Nono giorno: Due faction descrivono che tua vita in questo the time. Tenth
giorno: A confessione. Per la verità, e per prima stranizza Dirl me, when a ne enough. Fa così pressappoco ->:)

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As stupid and childish as it May sound, I Hate Not Being Able To Be Entirely happy for Something So gorgeous happening in the life of my favorite singer ever. Meh.

Neck Pain Gets Worse As Day Goes On The Fall reviews (NME, Pitchfork...)

A couple of ProMinent publications Have recently reviewed The Fall: -

In the latest issue of NME, out today, The Fall Is Given 8 / 10: "It's Immediately clear That this is a profoundly Different beast to the previous three albums. .. Feels less like a talented middle-aged man and historical Slebos mates Having a laugh and more like a cohesive album. So There Are not Any Retreads of 'DARE' or 'Clint Eastwood''But it is a stunning album from start to finish. We are Treated to the Lascivious Ohio Players / G-funk synth stylings of 'The Snake In Dallas' Which sounds as if Dr Dre Had Been Called in to produce The Go! Team. 'Yellow' is a ballad worthy of lachrymal Blur in Their pomp and 'The Joplin Spider' aqua-crunk is gone pop. Thankfully, Albarn has now Announced That this albuminuriam is to get a physical release this month, Which is fitting Given this quiet But Ambitious That record is one of the best he's Been associated with ".

5.8/10 Pitchfork Gave the album You Can read and review That here.

We'll be Adding more reviews Later, and if you find any, post in the comments and let us know, or submit Them to the site.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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MLXC Gorillaz

A physical release of The Fall is the only confirmed Gorillaz event for 2011 and at the moment we have no further information at all about any Gorillaz plans for 2011 but we will try to bring you confirmation either way in the near future.

Click here to return to news index

Click here to submit a news story
Click here to discuss this story further on the G-U Forums

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ww2 Aircraft For Sale [Italian Post] Hot-Hot-Hot-Hot! Stuuuuff! ♪

Day: Ten things that now would you say to ten different people.
Day: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things you think about often.
Day Five: Six things you wish you had not done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot for you.
Day Seven: Four things can turn off your excitement sopressochè Immediate.
Ottavo giorno: Tre sew in grade in modo di eccitarti pressochè Immediate. Nono
giorno: Due faction descrivono che tua vita in questo the time. Tenth
giorno: A confessione.

1. I gemiti troppo forti. Mi danno un'ansia, Dio mio, mi da voltarmi comes in pan and besiege you telecamera.
2. Il cattivo odore D: \u0026lt;- ovvietà, ce noi abbiamo you
3. Quando voglio essere io a "prendere in hand situazione, e il / of my / a compagno / a per il insists otherwise. I nervi.
4. Uhm, nient'altro? X'D Sul seriously, ma non ci thought comes fuori niente. Type, i pigiami sciatti? Mi piacciono. Le mutande vecchie e bucate? Non mi disturbano minimally. Non mi

Saturday, January 8, 2011

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Title: "Another kind of angel." Author or
Author: Winchester_Mcdowell
Category: Supernatural.
Rating: All groups
Summary: Dean have not seen (or has lived) everything.

A monster.

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Primo giorno: Dieci sew a dire che ora vorresti dieci persone diverse.
Secondo giorno: Nove sew their di te.
Terzo giorno: Otto conquer modi per il tuo cuore.
Quarto giorno: Sette pensi cui spesso sew.
Quinto giorno, che sewn Sei non aver mai fatto vorresti.
Sesto giorno: Cinque persone che per te molto significano.
Settimo giorno: Quattro sew in grade di tua spegnere eccitazione in the way pressochè Immediate.
Ottavo giorno: and heard my father say to a woman who had nothing that she loved as her. I have suffered for years.
4. Have succumbed to the whining of my grandmother and have received communion. 5. Pulled myself out of a love affair is absolutely absurd that it could give me a lot. Fortunately, I did not lose the people with whom this ratio was maintained, and indeed continue to give me too much now, but that the same tune, the chemical, even that attraction, yes, that united us then, I still miss you very much, although they are now gone at least three years since it ended. 6. Having endured years of something awful because I was ashamed to speak with my mother. I was robbed of something that did not regain my earlier because

Thursday, January 6, 2011

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Why do we talk about how to conquer my heart, but because in some ways this meme was used to something important that I'm saying thanks to all of my personal pantheon of a few hours from now. God, sometimes life is so beautiful that one does not believe it.

Day: Ten things that now would you say to ten different people.
Day: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things you think about often.
Day Five: Six things you wish you had not done. CH
TMLXC Sesto giorno: Cinque persone che per te molto significano.
Settimo giorno: Quattro sew in grade di tua spegnere eccitazione in the way pressochè Immediate.
Ottavo giorno: Tre sew in grade in modo di eccitarti pressochè Immediate. Nono
giorno: Due faction descrivono che tua vita in questo the time. Tenth
giorno: A confessione.
1. Ridi
. The Risata, nella mia vita, è fondamentale. Siccome sono piena di Cazzi ar ass, per Dirl al Libanese is a piangere mettermi dovessi depressa ed essere che per ogni casino affligge esistenza mine, già finite sarei all'obitorio with verticality due Squarcia sugli avambracci. I turn ridendo tutto. Sdrammatizzo semper, ogni thing, and I mop ne Possa essere di quanto per l'Altrui serious person, sdrammatizzare perché per me è vivere chiave the bene. Se non riesci to stare dietro a questo, è molto che non ci probabile if Capisco mai. Per cui ridi spesso e bene, and my avrai. 2. Abbi tanti hobby. Non Sopport di persone che avere intorno if annoiano. La noia rende brutto facc him. Datti da fare, tanti modi per impiegare trova il tempo e prova trascinarmici inside. Magari me piacciono, e allora il gioco è fatto.
3. Non dirmi mai sewing type xxx ho seen, save devi anche tu, sono
Sicuro / a che piacerebbe you! ". E 'a delle cose che più di me irritano nell'universo creato. My fa saper qualsiasi lire l'hate thing. Non ho mai seen Supernatural reason per questo, per dire. 4. Fammi sentire gratificata. Non sono un'attention-whore e per la verità non sono neanche così greatly appiccicaticcia (a livello physical yes, tocco a sacco, ma in generale not.) Non essere mai freddo / a to me, and non avremo problemi. The freddezza my mette a disagio. Sentirmi to my fa sentire disagio inadeguata. Inadeguata Sentirmi my portal to systematically prendere distanza him.
5. Non mi ricoprire lagna di vita sulla tua tragic. Hatred Lagna. I hate
. 6. Fammi regalini! I regalini Via sono per il cuore di ogni ragazza. Io gli oggetti love, soprattutto quelli piccoli e inutili, e meno più io li li paghi adore.
7. Ragione.That should be a natural thing, but often does not occur XD When I talk to someone, I expect the speech will be able to follow me everywhere I go, whether you stop at a more superficial aspect of the matter is that instead falls in depth. If I want to go deeper, you must be able to follow me. Senno know the two balls.
8. Be Inter v * _ * No, wait, this is optional XD But I did not know what else to put. I get along well with a lot of non-integer, you think, with some that are even more in tune with certain other Inter fans through and through, but undoubtedly cheer Inter is a great way to immediately open up the doors of my heart XD

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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- Name of author: Zatnikatel

- Title: The Shining.

- Summary: The end of time, but Dean Winchester has forgotten ... Right?

- Genre: Gen-AU

- Characters / Pairing: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Bobby, etc.

- Warnings: None

- Chapter 17: Michael

Is A Sore On Top Of My Tongue Cancer? [Italian Post] The meme of the things that do not give a damn about anyone, part 2.

vane, a prima famiglia di potermi fare, and in one incident ridicolo. Ne sono sicurissima. Forse è per questo che ho paura della morte così much? XD 7. Un'altra thing ho paura di cui sono i fantasmi. Anche was so che non esistono. Wtf? 8. Mi piace dormire più nel buio pesto. CHIUDE finestre him, Serra e metto fascia will toujours il ferro e fuori per besiege within di fare in modo che Entri the minor quantit possibile di luce. Purtroppo ho vissuto semper in case attorno alle quali l'illuminazione stradale was fortissimo, perceived only di Rado che è Riesco ad ottenere il buio più assoluto. My only due volte è capitata, and in entrambi i almost Quando è successo non ero a casa mia. 9. Adoro dormire in compagnia. Non è che dormire da me infastidisca alone with dormire masomeone in the next bed is one of the most beautiful things in the world. For years, my brother and I slept together, when we went to my father's house. I slept at least once with all the boys and girls with whom I was (well, 'almost, but anyway) and also with an inordinately simple friends. With both of my grandmothers and an infinite number of cousins. And even with my parents. Together and one by one. X'd

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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Ma di ho bad stomac e sto Aspettando Faccia che il suo scaldabagno what dovere per borsa dell'acqua calda riempire the e poi sulle ultime due buttarmi s1 della puntata di Romanzo Criminale , my faranno stare che di come sto perfino Peggie ora: D , quindi niente, love, facciamo 'sento che sta già robaccia odiare ma sta di altro XD Facenda chiunque

Primo giorno: Dieci sewn vorresti dire che ora a dieci persone diverse.
Secondo giorno: Nove sew their di te.
Terzo giorno: Otto conquer modi per il tuo cuore.
Quarto giorno: Sette pensi cui spesso sew.
Quinto giorno, che sewn Sei non aver mai fatto vorresti.
CParenti fra capita che in città diverse Vivona, you ricorderai cuginetta della tua che d'estate di Giostra spokespersons of the Giardino Inglese alle? 10. My mancano you chiacchierate nostre calcium sul: \\ Eravamo in tune perfetta così che essere stata io urta my bonus to you prendere distanza. Ma è stata only one questione di mancanza di tempo, che prometto with the Championship riprenderemo ripresa anche a chiacchierare ♥

Monday, January 3, 2011

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Fanfic: A hint of concern

[info] nath2704

Disclaimer: Supernatural and all its characters belong to Kripke and co.

Rating: PG-13

Characters: Dean, Castiel and Sam.

Warnings: Spoilers
to 6x11 (It

Saturday, January 1, 2011

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