Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tooth Pain After Bleaching

[ mood | distressed]
[ music | Back to the streets/9 in the afternoon ~ Panic! at the Disco]

Listening the line 'the player from Manchester' and being that not refered to Heinze but to Tevez is pretty fucking odd. (Talking about Heinze - the yellow card he got was 'cause he missed Ayala, riiiight? ¬¬)

Oh, and into odd things - I like how Abbondanzieri looked with that jersey but since when he's number 13?

Ah! and Basile must envide Gago's hair - second time he calls the guy but he's all alone there (ie, no Palacio) and not that I mind, but he's gonna get all emo and we know what happens then... /yes, that was stupid.

Besides of the randomness; I'm happy that my team won. K's letter leaves Sydney Either Had she forgotten about the match or Did not Give It A Lot of Attention = P


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