[ music | Jack the Ripper ~ The Horrors]
Pairing: Gerard Way / Frank Iero [My Chemical Romance]
(Mentioned with Gerard / Female, Frank / Jamia, Mikey / Alicia and past! Mikey / Ray) For the
: "11 Reasons why Frank and Gerard Are always left alone."
Table: Acts & Behaviours. Prompt: 60.
fall Rated: PG-13 for Cursing and alcohol abuse.
Word Count: 2,200 .-
Beta: The wonderful, amazing and Supportive
Summary: Frank made apromise to Gerard while the singer WAS drunk, the thing is That Remembers Gerard Wants to it and talk about it.
Warning: Marriage. No really, it's Dangerous.
Disclaimer: I do not own Honestly we're not saying MCR
" You promise? "Gerard asks, the smile still on His face as I Loses His Grip on Frank and stands up. "I promise." Frank nods, Trying to smile and make much noise while Not His Heart Is Being Broken Into Little Pieces.
"Yay!" Gerard says honest joy in His mouth and presses to Frank's for-according to Frank's count-eight seconds.
He goes away, walking funny and doing small jumps. That Hopes Frank Gerard To That Does not Tell Anyone, Gerard is drunk, yes ... but There Are Things That Frank prefers to keep Between Them.
* Gerard
historical Does not remember much from drunken nights. That I assume it's okay li him how bad it could have been and stopping any desire to drink a beer (like those he had at some parties, or on New Years, or when it’s someone’s birthday and they have to make a toast).
Gerard sighs into his coffee cup and reclines his head against the cupboard of the bus’ kitchenette. It’s a small sound that the action makes, but Gerard curses because he thought the
fucking cupboard was fucking
closer and “
, it hurt”.
“Well, of course,” Ray says with a smile; he’s in the door and walking further in. “You slammed your head against wood, and no matter how hard you think your head is, it’s not made of steel.”
Gerard rolls his eyes and flips him the finger wi
“Because the drunk is an insistent fuck?”
“Right, I forget we’re talking about you,” the guitarist smiles and totally ignores the
that Gerard emits. “Well, I’m sure it wasn’t big deal, Gerard, just talk to this person and ask them.”
“I guess you’re right.”
Ray nods, “If you wanna talk more about it, anyway,” he points at himself.
“I know.” Gerard says, and before Ray leaves the kitchen he asks, “You accepted my exchange?”
Ray thinks a moment before remembering what Gerard is talking about. Without turning, he answers, “I’m not going to spoil our friendship by answering that, Gee.”
Gerard decides that hI quit the booze.
"Then you Bought an engagement ring just for fun?"
"So you do know What it's called!" Gerard smiles at him, moving the topic WHERE Gently He Feels more comfortable or, better Said, safer.
"Gerard, why did you buy the ring?" Frank ASKs slowly, "I mean, if she Sees it, or Alicia or Jamia ... well, the girls suck at Keeping Secrets, and you know ... that's not a typical ring to Have around. "
" Marry me, Frank. "He repeats, the Same Words That Remembers Saying I, only this time, His mouth tastes like the coffee That I never finished and Not Like a mix of What is poison for him now .
"What?!" Frank Nearly screams, involuntarily moving away from the door, walking closer to the end of the bed where Gerard is sitting.
“I can’t believe I just asked that,” Gerard laughs softly, more to himself, and then he looks up at Frank, “Well, you promised.”
“Gerard, are you okay?” the younger man asks in honest disbelief.
“Three years ago, I was a bit drunk,” Gerard looks up at Frank when he snorts, “well,
a bit
compared to other times.” He says, and then looks at the floor and the ring in his hand again. “And I was asking you to marry me; I’m not sure why, but I was. And you accepted my proposal; in fact you said you would accept it three years after that day.”
“So I can see it when I fuck you?”
“Who says I’m gonna be the bottom?”
“Please,” Gerard says, “It’s all over the internet.”
“You’re not reading slash again,” Frank says with a grin. “And Gerard?”
“Mmhm?” They walk into the elevator before Frank answers with a smile, “Who says that I don’t have your name inked already?” ~*~
table with links to all fics
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