Thursday, April 5, 2007

Dupage County Prison Inmate Search

were a legacy of wild action in which the music was less important. "Smells Like Teen Spirit

" was number one in half the planet, and the rest of the world was beginning to distinguish the movement called grunge .
The idea of playing at a festival not like, especially Kurt, who always preferred the performances in small clubs in Seattle, with an audience not very numerous but crowding the room, be unknown or at least appear so. Wild style they conquered, but the cliché went beyond a simple image of a natural disaster, destruction and waste string music, but the trading style left no appetite to Cobain often told not to leave his room po go to a concert just panic or because it wanted. Later he would try to paranoid.

- Kurt Cobain died at 26 years -

" What I hate most about being famous is to come Bryan Adams Fan boys to ask me for an autograph." Thus repudiated a mass audience for which he was unprepared and a popularity that made him unhappy and tried to channel in every live show. But the formula no longer worked, it looked like Kurt was moving away from their musical purposes. Increasingly cold in the direct daily farther from his fellow scenarios, everything I needed inside and outside of it was something that everyonerejected or average American: a mediocre life with his children, his wife and home. The music phenomenon of the 90 had lost most importantly, the thrill of listening and creating music, had lost his voice and in the concert shortly before his death in Munich and Rome; the music had died for him and he died for music .

More than a decade after his suicide, Kurt Cobain is still one of the great myths of the Rock. Billions of dollars annually generates music nirvana.


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