“I know, son; don’t worry.” She smiles a bit, the same half smile that Mikey and Gerard have. “I’ll be in the kitchen making something for dinner; it will be just you and me.” His mother is happy, Gerard thinks while he carries the three boxes back to his old room. She’s happy having her thirty-year-old son back under her roof, and even if Gerard finds it pathetic, he prefers to stay here keeping her company to being alone in a big house until the tour starts again.
After all, Gerard keeps thinking with a smirk, he’s a mama’s boy. And . "Frank is here!" The singer laughs softly. "Thanks for making me feel young again, Mom!" I says, I Remembered When Would Any of the guys come to the house and I Would Be In His basement doing anything or nothing and historical Would mom scream at him with the notice of Anyone coming in.
"That's my job, they are!" The woman laughs too, and Gerard is sure I Can Hear a bit of Frank's Laugh Along with her words. "Want me to send him down with Some lemonade to complete your nostalgia?"
"Mom," I says with a smile, while opening the third box, "you never made us lemonade." Donna's and Frank's laughs Are Music to Gerard's ears When He Finds Something Appealing in the box. "PlanningSomething interesting on doing? "Frank asks, Entering the room.
"I found These crayons with the ones I can use to draw on the bathtub," I says, lifting a little box, "I plan to color in the shower wall." Franks Gives him a grin and walks closer. "Do you think your mom Would Be Mad?"
"We like you too," Gerard answers, Not Really Giving the guitarist much Attention, and INSTEAD paying Attention to the Things I is Finding. "What are you
anyway?" Frank asks, using the Same words Had the singer before. "Things Mom put in boxes, and if I'm seeing There's Something interesting in Them." "Any luck?"
"What's wrong?" The Other ASKs. "I dunno What to" Ah, "I smiles again, and His face lights like a light-bubble Would Do in a kid's cartoon. "Take off your shirt!"
“I can’t believe there’s no black!” he says, indignantly. “What kind of kid would need black to draw?” “One that wants to make normal borders?”
, is actually kissing him back and even putting his wet hand against Gerard’s neck, playing with the hair there, and pulling it a bit, too.
When the kiss becomes heated enough that their bodies are almost thrusting against each other and Gerard can feel the erection forming in Frank’s boxers against his own mixed with the water falling from both their chests, Frank’s breaks the kiss.
It takes a few breaths before the guitarist can say what he apparently wanted to and what made him break the battle of tongues. “Of all the times,” he says, still breathing erratically, “Of all the times that I imagined fucking you, in your house with your mom in the kitchen was never an option.”
Gerard shivers, in part because of Frank’s warmWhile C Starting to draw, with Frank making remarks Some pretty dirty Gerard That Almost cause to blush - almost - the singer Thinks about Changing the title on the crayons' box.
Going from ' Rub a Dub, draw in the tub ' to '
Rub a guitarist, fuck in the tub ' Seems oddly amusing to him.
~ * ~ {
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