Monday, November 10, 2008
Does Anyone Have Hard Stool From Vitamins Vos sos.
that you
rosando stepping peace pieces
waves bounce fucking shining on the sea without care
taking what life gives you
impossible dream that still blinded by false illustrated
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Whats A Good Woodstove For My Basement aristotelian @ 2008-10-05T00: 46:00
I thought both these days, about stupid things, if you want to know, but anyway, I tell you that right is not at all well used to it and see it as something normal, it is called resignation, feeling that is so because it must be, or because it is what God has commanded you, know that all problems have solutions, we know it's masochistic to think of something that hurts us as if we could delete or meored the situation in this way, mortified, we know that, and still do, if you're like me of course, if you go with a witch and you said you were weak-minded as your brother and uNo other day to your brother gives schizophrenia (a mental illness that makes your neurons do not connect properly and live another reality or just sections of it) maybe you month featured a lot, this course this is a mental weakness which Man is not conscious, ie not their fault. and suggestions and I suffered, but come because I'm not dipuesta to let comments like that (which emerged when the effect and created a terrible fear me) ruined my life in the long term, hahaha how could that be possible I have a life ahead of you know, I have no time to repress or to mourn what might be, I can only enjoy it now and fight pork not happen, but not with fear, with joy and bearing in mind that everything will be fine as the plan, those wereone of my many fears, now I'm reading and studying the people, I would have liked to study psychology, but I've done so very well designed, also feel that psychology is more subjective, do not believe in a generalization or rules for dealing with the hits of another person, but respect that you do not think so, because maybe he's right, just saying what I think, as I said, I've realized that I have a knack for understanding people I like social gene extrañay am something of a special character behaves according to the place and the people that I consider myself someone open, hear what others have to say and believe that it is one of my qualities I appreciate that but I like to keep my eso.Sobretodo that this waswrite to me. E
walked some more perseptiva of loq ue wanted, but always remember to take the good side of things, I have no idea how do people not realize that sometimes things are usually very obvious, I think I have mind clouded by feelings, but partly that's not as bad as it should help, but sometimes also unde, and more than anything, the joke aki, is knowing the difference and know when to use more reason to feeling, and it is intuition, which I have no idea pork finished talking. aki me to go, kiero do many things for the rest of my night apart from the task. Good luck.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
How Do You Know If Your Vhs Is Multi Region I hate it when I can't write
In case you didn't know,
freewriting consists of writing without stopping: no editing, no re-reading, nothing (everything comes from suite101
Monday, May 12, 2008
How Long Should Personal Statements Poly Nyu "Art is the one thing that will never die '
it ended. I Told
i actually finished reading it seventeen days ago.
Probably Would Not everyone get why this is Such a huge thing -
Saturday, February 9, 2008
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Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Clippers For Bald Men
remeber, the happines is more important
now was not the basic design class, the teacher's mother died, and that made me question me hacerca of death, as so often before, according to listen, Prof. despite being older, about 40 years, maximum, lived with his mother, being the youngest, who cared, I remembered that a previous class made us dimensions of his mother was ill, tato to hide his concern but I could see in his eyes as the light was extinguished, or so I wanted to believe, I really felt so helpless, I have no type relationship friendship with the teacher, but they gave me a great desire to write something anonymous, giving advice and encouragement, is what I liketo do for me that God wants to never have to be necessary, RELAL feel I can make you happy with desert words, even for a brief moment, make him see that not alone, losing your mother is not easy, but one realm, body never lose the people you love, the energy that made them vibrate in the human body, this oh, scattered around you, with the wisdom of life, and enriched the soul of love, a person will never really what is going is just the body, and gives triztesa, because they will not be as before, but never be alone.
Monday, February 4, 2008
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Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Catchy B Day Invitation Phrases
So, I'm waiting for
Also, Gabe Saporta Must Be That the only person to slash as referees 'histories love' and I Should stop listening to this , it's an old song after all. Oh